Imbolc - Celebrations for today

Imbolc is a pagan holiday celebrated from February 1st through sundown on February 2nd.

It marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

This wheel of the year festival celebrates the awakening of the natural world and a time of cleansing. Outside we start seeing new life poking through the soil and buds tightening on trees. This is the time for new ideas and projects to grow over the last winter months.

Imbolc or Imbolg means “in the belly” and celebrates de goddess Brigid, associated with creativity, inspiration, and healing.

This is a great time to celebrate and embrace simplicity. Since candles are one of the symbols of the Imbolc, you can host a candlelight dinner or decorate your favorite room with candles in the evening.

Take time to meditate, journal, or go outside and enjoy the lengthening days with more sunlight.

There are other symbols that mark this festive season like food, stones, and plants. It is a great time to bake bread, winter vegetables, seeds, dried fruit, cheese, and lamb.

Decorate the house with snowdrop flowers (the first spring flowers to bloom), basil, laurel, and celandine. Since Imbolc is a time of cleansing, give away the things you don´t need anymore and clean the space and the air for a fresh start.

In Cerdeira we went to pick eucalyptus leaves, which are abundant in our mountain and tied them together to make small torches.

We burnt them to clean and purify the air in our spaces and all our staff who wanted to be clean.

Would you like to know more about the Wheel of the Year?

In Cerdeira Village, we also flow with the cycles of the year.

Rita Santos