6 things you didn't know about deer antlers

Deer antlers fulfill a very simple function: to attract and impress females. But there are many other reasons that make them truly amazing.

  1. An incredible weight…

Deer antlers can weigh up to 12kg! When these fall, the deer is relieved of a very significant weight. This helps to reduce energy expenditure and to better survive the harsh winter.

2. … And an out-of-this-world speed!

Did you know that deer antlers are the fastest growing normal tissue in the world? In all animal species, only embryos and tumors can grow at the same speed!

3. Antlers, horns… Aren't they all the same?

Horns are bony structures that are found outside the body of animals. They are covered in queratin and some may never grow back again if they are cut.

Antlers on the other hand, are different because they fall naturally every year. They are covered by a layer of velvet and grow back every spring.

4. They have been studied by scientists for many years.

The unusual accelerated growth of stems has always intrigued scientists. That's why they've been studying this mysterious tissue that doesn't stop growing for a long time. In years of research, they discovered that the genes responsible for the growth of stems are oncogenes, the same genes that cause various forms of cancer. What's fascinating is the ability of these genes to develop or stop growing altogether. Therefore, deer antlers turn out to be a kind of controlled bone cancer. This discovery promises to be revolutionary in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine!

5. They are increasingly used in food supplements.

Deer antlers, more specifically their velvety outer layer, have been gaining popularity in the world of energy supplements among athletes and bodybuilders. In the form of extracts and powders, they are used as a way to increase strength and endurance in training.

6. And when is the time to drop the antlers?

As the nights get longer, the deer's body recognizes that winter has arrived. So the body decides it's time to stop producing so much testosterone, the hormone responsible for stem growth. Eventually, the stem will naturally fall off.

Sofia Rosa